Accelerate Your Cash Flow!
Rapidly access different financing options on a single platform without waiting for maturity!
Quick Application
Affordable Costs
Instant Cash
We gather offers from different financial institutions in one place for easy access and cost comparison.
Commercial Enterprises
Invoices Processed
Financial Institutions
10 Billion+ TL
Transaction Volume
10 Billion+ TL
Our Network of Financial Institutions
Get offers from financial institutions integrated into our system, choose the one that suits you best, and then quickly access financing at the right price and affordable costs.

Simplify Your Financial Management
We believe that all obstacles to the growth of commercial enterprises should be removed. Therefore, we facilitate their access to cash with different financing solutions.
Access financing without collateral and at affordable costs.
Accelerate your company's cash flow.
Expand your trading volume in the market.
Why Figopara?
Join 10,000s of businesses that accelerate their company's cash flow with Figopara!
Single platform
Online, fast and easy transactions
24+ banks and financial institutions
Quick access to cash

Favorable discount rates

Financing without collateral and cost comparison
We are a fintech company that digitizes financial processes between businesses and banks.
Full Integration with Banks
By integrating with Turkey's largest banks, we ensure that financial processes between businesses and banks are carried out faster and more efficiently through a digital platform.
Real-Time Analysis with FigoScore
As a pioneer in the industry, we developed AI-powered Figoscore, which provides detailed financial analysis to customers using real-time financial data and optimizes credit evaluation processes.
Single Screen Convenience with ERP Solution
With SAP integration, we enable buyer companies to manage all supplier financing processes from the Figopara module within SAP without additional screens.
What Awaits Figopara Users?
By solving the trust problem between businesses and banks, we facilitate businesses' access to faster and more affordable limits.

Easily Convert
Your e-Invoices to Cash
Collect payments for your invoices from customers through banks before their due date.

Collect Your
Postdated Check
Easily upload your checks with invoices and get offers from financial institutions to collect them before the due date.

Collect Your Receivables
Before Their Due Date
Collect your receivables from companies you regularly invoice before their due date without using your credit limits!

Manage Risks Effectively with Artificial Intelligence
Follow your customers' trade records and financial changes from a single screen and learn their risky situations instantly.

Fast and Flexible Financing:
Spot Loan
Meet your urgent financing needs with Spot Loan, offered exclusively to Figopara customers by İş Bankası.
Accelerate Your Cash Flow
Get offers from banks and instantly convert your term receivables into cash at affordable costs.
Trusted By Hundreds of Companies
Türkiye's leading buyers have chosen Figopara for their suppliers' quick access to cash.